
Cambermere Sweet-Nadia X Keridale Whisky Mac

Due 18th December 2024.


Cambermere Sweet-Nadia X Cambermere Stella-Maverick

Cambermere is VERY excited to announce 3 girls and 5 boys that have joined us.

Cambermere Classic-Demelza X Rowangold Runnin’ Down a Dream

We are excited to announce 3 girls and 5 boys have joined the Cambermere family.

Ch Cambermere Solar-Everdeen X Ch Sandlewood Runa Mile In M’Shus (AI)

Cambermere is happy to announce the arrival of 2 girls and 6 boys on the 27th of November.

No one is happier for the arrival of the pups as their mum, Deena, though.

Just over 1 week old (Above), 2 Weeks old (Below)

3 Weeks Old (Below)

3 Weeks old (Above, 4 Weeks old – First time on grass (Below)

Ch Cambermere Solar-Everdeen X Deorodawn Dixon of Honeyglen

Cambermere is excited to welcome seven puppies to the kennel born on 11/01/2020, four bitches and three dogs (Pictured Below).

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Deorodawn Dixon of Honeyglen


Ch Casadeoro Here Comes The Sun

Ch Casadeoro Harvestgold
Casadeoro Santa Fe Mardi Gras
Misty-Dawn Of Colonsay Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper
Catriona Of Colonsay


Ch Cambermere Solar-Everdeen

Ch. Sandlewood Gamble with Gold   Goldfleece Go for Gold at Sandlewood
Ch Sandlewood Charlies Angel
Cambermere Cosmic Solo NZ & AUS Ch. Glentreve Heavens Above at Goldriver
Ch Cambermere Winter Melody


1 Day Old (Above), 6 Days Old (Below)

2.5 Weeks old, first day outside (Above)

Meeting half sister Demelza (Below, Left), Fist milk meal from a bowl (Below, Right)

6.5 Weeks Old (Above), 7 Weeks Old (Below)


7 Weeks old (Above)

Indy (Above)


Dobro Bobby Dazzler X Esprit Angel of Honeyglen

Cambermere is thrilled to announce the arrival of 4 bitches on the 3rd October 2018.

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Dobro Bobby Dazzler


Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW

Eng Sh Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Biss Aust Ch & Neuter Ch Dobro Diamond Magic Biss Aust Ch Dobro Diamond Edge
Dobro Minthe


Esprit Angel of Honeyglen

Ch Casadeoro Here Comes The Sun Ch Casadeoro Harvestgold
Casadeoro Santa Fe Mardi Gras
Misty-Dawn Of Colonsay Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper
Catriona Of Colonsay

Ch Shawfire Diego Chills At Cambermere X Sandlewood’s Roxanne

Cambermere is delighted to announce the arrival of 4 bitches and 2 dogs on 15th October 2015.

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Shawfire Chills Diego At Cambermere     


Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper

 Pamgavin Maritime Saga of Vanrose (Imp UK)
Cambermere Summa Zoe
Kavandale Dream Belle NZ & Aust Ch Glentrieve Heavens Above at Goldriver
Kavandale Spring Affaire


Sandlewood’s Roxanne

Ch Sandlewood Gamble-With-Gold Goldfleece Go For Gold at Sandlewood (Imp Aus)
Ch Sandlewood Charlies-Angel
Sandlewood Kendal-Mintcake Alibren Voulez-Vous (Imp UK)
Sandlewood Lemonmint


Cambermere Cosmic Solo X Ch Sandlewood Gamble with Gold (R)

Cambermere is delighted to announce the arrival of 1 bitch and 5 dogs on 21st July 2014. Click “More photos” button to see puppies.

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Champion Sandlewood Gamble With Gold     


Goldfleece Go for Gold at Sandlewood (Imp Aust)

 Aust Ch Stanroph Shared Assets (Imp UK)
Dobro Free as a Bird
Champion Sandlewood Charlies Angel CH McIlroy Millennium Choir Boy at Sandlewood
CH Sandlewood Cinderella


Cambermere Cosmic Solo

Champion Glentreve Heavens Above At Goldriver Ch Glentreve Deputy-Marshall
Ch Glentreve Dancing Queen
Champion Cambermere Winter Melody CH Glentreve Phantom On Ice
Cambermere Summa Zara

Gallery for Cambermere Cosmic Solo X Ch Sandlewood Gamble with Gold (R)


5 Dogs and a Bitch, 13 days old, eyes starting to open Bitch puppy



Dog puppy Quality time with mum



Up and playing on shakey legs at 3 weeks Life comes with new challenges every day



All played out, back to sleep



Puppies at 4 weeks Puppies at 4 weeks



Six weeks old and onto a new milk bar hard work… growing up



What moved over there!?



Playtime I’m coming



Toyota dog? Never too big for a cuddle with mummy



Class of 2014 on graduation day



Cambermere Cosmic Solo X Ch Sandlewood Gamble with Gold

Cambermere is delighted to announce the arrival of 3 bitches and 2 dogs on 21st May 2013

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Champion Sandlewood Gamble With Gold     


Goldfleece Go for Gold at Sandlewood (Imp Aust)

 Aust Ch Stanroph Shared Assets (Imp UK)
Dobro Free as a Bird
Champion Sandlewood Charlies Angel CH McIlroy Millennium Choir Boy at Sandlewood
CH Sandlewood Cinderella


Cambermere Cosmic Solo

Champion Glentreve Heavens Above At Goldriver Ch Glentreve Deputy-Marshall
Ch Glentreve Dancing Queen
Champion Cambermere Winter Melody CH Glentreve Phantom On Ice
Cambermere Summa Zara

Gallery for Cambermere Cosmic Solo X Ch Sandlewood Gamble with Gold


1 week old 1 week old



1 week old 1 week old



The family – 1 week old



2 weeks old 2 weeks old



2 weeks old 2 weeks old



The family – 2 weeks old












Ch Cambermere Winter Melody X Ch Glentreve Heavens Above At Goldriver

Cambermere is thrilled to announce the arrival of 5 dogs & 2 bitches born 11/3/07

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Ch Glentreve Heavens Above At Goldriver     


Ch Glentreve Deputy Marshall

 Goldfleece Air Marshall
Glentreve Solo Ice Maid’n
Ch Glentreve Dancing Queen Ch Glentreve Dream Of Swift
Glentreve Fire On Ice


Ch Cambermere Winter Melody

Ch Glentreve Phantom On Ice Ch Glentreve Frozen Asset
Glentreve Fire On Ice
Cambermere Summa Zara Stanroph Spring Warrior of Vanrose (Imp UK)
McIlroy Rhapsody In Blue

Ch Cambermere Winter Melody X Ch McIlroy Do It In Tempo With Sandlewood

Cambermere is thrilled to announce the arrival of 5 dogs & 3 bitches puppies were born 29th Aug 2008

Pedigree of the litter.

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Ch McIlroy Do It In Tempo With Sandlewood     


NZ Ch & Aust Gr Ch Yellowfetch As You Do (Imp Aust)

 Aust Ch Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien (Imp UK)
Aust Ch Yellowfetch Liberty Lass
Sandlewood Mattins At McIlroy Ch McIlroy Millennium Choir Boy At Sandlewood
Ch Sandlewood Lady Godiva


Ch Cambermere Winter Melody

Ch Glentreve Phantom On Ice Ch Glentreve Frozen Asset
Glentreve Fire On Ice
Cambermere Summer Zara Stanroph Spring Warrior of Vanrose (Imp UK)
McIlroy Rhapsody In Blue