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Sweet Spirit
On the 16th of March we had to say goodbye to our darling Spirit, ‘Champion Cambermere Olympic Spirit’, at the age of 13 years 7 months.
We miss her sweet presence, her gentle, happy acceptance of the good things in life.
Spirit’s best loves in life we’re, running over our land and the cuddles and loves she received every day.
Showing was not her love but she did it for her mum, however, the trips away were,Staying with her loved dad, Graham, and all the new and exciting experiences that can along with chasing the all desired Championship was.
I miss you to the bones of my being, as we all do.
Cuddle up my love, with your fluffy family, especially your mum and Diego, until we are together again.
A Moment of Silence
On the 6th of October, we lost our very special Diego to sudden illness.
He was taken form us too soon, 3 months short of 11 years.
Three words described our beautiful boy. He was the gentlest, kindest, and happiest Golden we have ever met or had the privilege of having part of our family.
He loved people, especially his family. He adored the show ring, gaining his championship against outstanding competition, however chasing Rabbits, Pukeko’s and Pheasants over our land was a daily delight for him.
Most of all we will miss his gentle cuddles and ever wagging tail.
To those that have Diego’s puppies, hold them close, they had an exceptional dad.
Thanks to Debbie Davis of Shawfire Kennels for breeding our amazing boy and thanks to Lorraine Handley of Gofetch Kennels for allowing Debbie to use our lovely Azra.
Run free our darling boy, our hearts are broken without you and your gentle, loving presence.Be happy until we meet again.
We’re Back!
After a bit of a break thanks to Covid 19, we are back in the ring with the, next generation, Cambermere squad!
Here are some highlights from the last couple of shows for those that are interested:
Hamilton Championship Show: Our little Lyra took the Reserve Bitch Challenge (2nd place female Golden Retriever) and Junior of breed (1st place Golden Retriever of her age bracket).
Golden Retriever Specialty Championship Show: Maverick, or Mav’y as he as come to be affectionately called, strut his little fluffy stuff and walked away with Baby Puppy in Show. Diego made a special guest appearance to show the young ones how it is done and won Veteran in show, our handsome sweet man still has it!
Above: Diego Left, Maverick Right
Below: Maverick Left, Nadia Right
2020’s Silver Lining
On the 27/11/2020, we welcomed 8 lives into this world, the perfect way to end an… interesting year. See ‘Litters‘ page for more details.
Gone Too Soon
After 11 years and 2 months we lost our darling Solo on the 18th of May 2018. Affectionate to everyone she met, this girl had nothing but love to give and never failed to put a smile on the face of anyone she came into contact with. All we can say is thank you Solo for the 11 years and 2 months of joy and love you brought to Cambermere kennels.
A Life of Love
On the 24th of December 2017, we lost our much loved Melody at 15 years, 3 months of age. Melody filled our lives with love, joy, and fun. There is nothing I would have changed about my little girl and soul mate. She lived to love and be loved. Fly free my love until we meet again.
Show Ring Absence
We have been away from the show ring since mid 2016 due to family illness and loss. We are excited to return to the show ring in 2018
Ch Cambermere Solar-Everdeen

Deena at 16 months old
Deena has won Reserve Best in Show and Junior in show at Bay of Plenty Gundog Show Society championsip show 2014
Ch Shawfire Diego Chills At Cambermere

Diego wins New Zealand Bred in Show at Bay of Plenty Gundog Show Society Championship show 2014
Ch Cambermere Olympic Spirit

We are thrilled to announce our latest Champion Ch Cambermere Olympic Spirit after winning her 8th cc at Rotorua on the 30th August, and the following day wining her 9th.
Cooling off on a hot day at Cambermere.
Melody 8 weeks in whelp
Solomon our Welsh Mountain pony “Yep” not a golden but the correct colour & part of our Zoo. |
Zoe & Zara |
Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Wisper

Hamilton Kennel Assoc 11th March 2007 Azra wins Best Of Group & NZ Bred of Group, NZ Bred In Show & Reserve In Show
Cambermere Summa Zara

Bryer’s 17th Birthday

Arrival at Sara’s and Destiny’s house for Bryers 17th birthday, Left to right.- Bryer,Zoe,Melody and Zara
Time for cake, Destiny in right corner, family looking at mum, Bryer watching her piece of cake doesn’t get away
Bryer’s 17th Birthday

Bryer thinks her cake is lips smack’n good